animtst1 - animation demo animtst2 - animation demo animtst3 - animation demo autorot - shows how to make frame rotate to the top automatically drop - how an overlapped image can be erased exevent1 - attaching a simple event to a menu exevent2 - an event that waits for mouse action exmenu01 - shows the basic bar menu and option menu use. hello - ``hello world'' in a small frame menudemo - comprehensive menu system demo moveimag - how to hide and display an image using hideimage & showimage prepare - shows how to update a hidden image using prepareforupdate resize - how to create an event to resize a frame rotstack - shows the use of rotatestackimage simmouse - draws a frame and waits for a mouse click simple - just draws a moveable frame slider - shows how to place a slider on a frame tstedit - a simple test program for the line editor tstpick1 - drop down pick list tstpick2 - pick list tstpick3 - related pick lists twdemo - high level window features. twddemo - dialog demo twhello - ``hello world'' using high-level windows twwsam - world coordinates example